Bing Says Fake It & You’ll Never Make It.

Suprams Info Solutions
1 min readDec 3, 2020

Bing search engine has spam problems, but it is more aggressive in removing them from its search results.

Even Google has this problem, but it isn’t that aggressive like Bing.

Faking in today’s search engine is much harder than what it was in the old times. Even Frédéric Dubut, the PM and former lead on spam at Bing search agrees to that.

He replied to one of Rand Fishkin’s tweet saying, “Fake it & you’ll never make it”.

Now the word “never” isn’t accurate because there are a lot of fakes who make money and later gets caught.

What does “Fake it & You’ll Never Make it” mean

Back on October 1 this year, Rand Fishkin tweeted something where Frédéric Dubut replied to it.

Let’s see what the tweet and the reply was:

Rand Fishkin tweeted: “It’s so weird reflecting on the decade+ where techbors around me kept repeating this stuff until even I believed some of it.

Never underestimate the power of culture & repetition.”

Whereas, Frédéric Dubut replied, “When I was responsible for anti-spam @Bing, I used to tell webmasters “fake it and you’ll never make it”.

Read more related Search Engine Optimization post at Suprams.



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