Create the “Perfect” engaging article: Know the Art

Suprams Info Solutions
4 min readJan 9, 2021
art of writing

Email newsletters are important, they are the life force of your marketing campaign, but articles carry a higher standard as they inform and educated the audience.

It doesn’t matter which topic you’re writing an article about, the writing should be done in such a way that keeps the reader engaged throughout the whole article.

Because the ability to clearly and persuasively communicate with your readers is what you need even though you don’t know how to write. Writing a clear and persuasive article will help to strongly develop your brand’s online presence.

There are no shortcuts in becoming a good writer, also you should not focus on creating “the perfect article”, instead make it engaging. Writing quality articles requires skills, practice, and commitment but there are ways you can improve your article writing.

1. Know the “purpose” of each content

know the purpose of each content

As articles are can be written upon numerous topics they carry different purposes, it may be to promote your brand, educate the readers, guidance, etc.

Also, when you’re writing an article make sure it helps the reader in some way. Always keep in mind the below goals when creating content.

· Convey values for your target audience like answering their queries, solutions to problems, tips for better lives, etc.

· Grow a relationship with your audience so that they come back to read more for a longer period.

· Signify about your brand to your readers.

2. Keep your research game strong

keep your research strong

If you want to write a strong piece of article that has correct facts and information, you need to do research, it’s important.

Some article topics may take time and some may not, make sure you’re not spending over time because writing will still be left. While doing fact and stats finding, be specific in searching the terms.

In case you’re not getting the information, try changing or adjusting the matter of the subject.

3. Make properly structured content

Structured articles are very important and useful because it helps readers to skim the whole content easily. Nobody likes reading long paragraphs, even me, they can be boring even though the topic is interesting.

Use bullets in your article, to organize the importance and it even helps to quickly complete the article. Properly structured articles with bullet points, headings, and subheadings rank well in search engines.

4. Use keywords wisely

Use keywords wisely

You wrote great content but it isn’t targeting relevant keywords properly then how is it supposed to reach the target audience?

Search engines show results to the searcher that is relevant to the searched term. Those content that has targeted the keywords properly will rank high which means they’re one who will attract the readers.

If you want your audience to read your “great writing”, use the right keywords in the places and don’t overuse them. Also, make sure your keywords are placed in a way it makes sense to the readers.

5. Make your writing interactive

Make your writing interactive

Write an article as if you’re having a conversation with another person, educate him/her, ask questions, answer questions, and make the piece more interesting.

If you’re asking questions then it should generate some curiosity, let the reader seek more information, a guide to another article piece that will offer wide details and the answers.

6. Always proofread after writing

Always proofread after writing

While you write an article, go with the flow, whatever thoughts, creativity is coming write it down, if there are any mistakes keep it for the end. Never, try to edit while you’re writing, you lose momentum and waste time.

Writing and proofreading/editing are two different processes when you’re finished with the writing move on to the editing process.

Make sure you make a habit of proofreading and editing, mistakes in an article can bring down the image of you and your brand.

Final Thoughts

In the end, it’s all about the practice that helps you in writing better articles. Make sure whenever you’re writing, try to connect with your audience, tell a story, add some humor, make your content more engaging.



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