
Suprams Info Solutions
4 min readJan 29, 2020


“Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet, just as it was in broadcasting. “ — Bill Gates in 1996

A fruitful Digital Marketing strategy has a powerful content marketing as its cornerstone, because — yes, you guessed it right — Content is King!

As per a report, as high 81% of the would-be buyers perform free research online of the products before they actually buy something.

What does it mean?

It means the future belongs to those who harness the exciting powers of Content Marketing and create and publish the best, most exclusive information.

Why content is king in digital marketing?

But what exactly Content Marketing is?

It’s an amazingly effective art based on communicating with your audiences and generating honest relationships.

Much more importantly, what is content writing on which primarily Content Marketing is based?

Content Writing is writing content or the pages for the promotion and increased visibility and marketing of your brand and products through different digital marketing tools and formats, including blogs, articles, web pages, guest posts, infographics, white papers, reports, videos, webinars, case studies, etc.

Why Content is King in Digital Marketing 2020: Top 11 Reasons

Coming back to the question — Why Content is King in Digital Marketing 2020, well, here are the top 11 reasons.

Check them and plan your next course of action accordingly!

1. Content is indispensable: You cannot devise a digital marketing strategy in 2020 and beyond without using written words for it. Whether you are keen on organic methods or the paid ones, you just can’t do without — yes, content! For instance, even if you are creating Call to Action (CTA) buttons for Digital Marketing, you will have to write informative and persuasive content to hook and inspire your clients and prospects to do what you may want them to do, right?

2. It helps draw web traffic: The days of catching your prospects’ attention, through costly and eye-catching advertisements, have almost ended. Through advertising you created hype, but with Content Marketing you actually pledge to help your readers. Good content resonates with audiences and search engine optimization services in Delhi. Through Content Marketing even small agencies and one map shops now can compete with the biggies and attract customers from far and wide, from Iraq to Indonesia, from Pakistan to Palestine, from Nigeria to Norway.

3. It helps you ‘connect’ with your audiences: When you write and publish persuasive and helpful content, you develop some sort of emotional bond with your readers and prospects.

4. It helps convert your leads: When you publish useful and relevant information, you end up attracting people to your website and converting them to leads.

5. It helps you gain authority and high rank on Google and other search engines: Well-written and useful content helps you come across as an authority on a given subject. And when you or your site is seen as an authority, people listen to what you could be saying.

6. It helps you create awareness for your brand: Through content, you can create a good awareness for your brand in the market. Good awareness means an exciting business.

7. It improves your brand’s reputation: Quality content makes your brand’s reputation better. And when your brand or product enjoys a good reputation, it’s obvious that you will make more money.

8. It helps improve your brand’s visibility on the search engines: Through content, you can also make your brand’s visibility on the different search engines better. Brand visibility shape customers’ preferences and buying decisions. The brands that enjoy high visibility are usually preferred by the end-users and.

9. It helps you instantly cut down your marketing costs: Through powerful content and an effective Content writing Company, you can dramatically reduce the overall cost of your marketing. Less marketing costs means more profits.

10. It leads to increased conversions: Having persuasive and well-written content on your pages means there will be more conversions and more business for you, and won’t that be great?

11. It helps you build a strong relationship with your customers: If you have quality and persuasive content on your pages, you will be able to build strong relationships with your prospects and clients. There will be a powerful connection between the two even as it will lead to increased revenues for your company and more success for your brands and products.

So, these are the top 11 reasons why Content is King in Digital Marketing in 2020. Use as many as possible this year and beyond, for a result-oriented Digital Marketing strategy in 2020, to improve your brand’s image, increase your business footprints, and earn more money.

If you don’t have the time to do content writing yourself, hire the best Content Writing Company. For the best possible results, draft the Best Content Writing Company today.



Suprams Info Solutions

Suprams is the finest & highly rated digital marketing company. Operating out of India, it provides SEO services in Delhi & web designing. www.suprams.com